Monday, May 27, 2013

Art Contest!!!!!

Hey guys!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
In celebration of my upcoming b-day, in which I will probably receive a drawing tablet, I'm holding an art contest! The winner will be given the "valuable" prize of creating a blog post of their choice. Here are the rules.

-The art must relate to mythology (Just so you know, I know/like Norse and Celtic myths best, so if you want to gain the upper edge, you might want to draw that...)
-The art can be in any form, as long as it can be emailed.
-All submissions must be sent to
-All submissions will be posted on the blog.
-I should be able to halfway recognize the art posted, or at least know where to look. If I have no idea what it is you've sent me, you probably won't win. That's why I'd stick to the myths covered in this blog. Norse and Celtic I'll recognize, Greek probably, Egyptian, Native American, and Mayan maybe, Sumerian probably not. Unless it's a Aqrabuamelu. I like those.
-If you want to mix pantheons, that's cool.
- The deadline is June 8.

Any questions?

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