Tuesday, February 12, 2013

(Norse Mythology) The Beginning of the World

Norse Myth Post!!!

 I decided I will be doing Greek/Roman as well, to make this a proper myth blog. The Islands of the Blessed are in Greek myths too, so I kind of have to. Anywhoooo... This is Norse though.

At the very beginning, there was a void where the world was known as Ginnunagap. This was bordered to the north by Muspellheim, the land of fire, and Niflheim, the land of ice. Eventually, the fire of Muspellheim melted the ice of Niflheim creating the icy rivers of Elivagar. The venom in the water gathered into the first being, a giant named Ymir, or Aurgelmir. He fed upon the milk of Audumbla, a cow created from the melted ice as well. The race of jotuns, or frost giants/trolls were created when a male and a female were born from his armpits whale he slept (weird I know). They were all one big happy family, until Audumbla, seeking food, started licking the salty ice and licked the first god, Buri, out of it. Buri took one of the frost giantesses for a wife and had a son called Borr, who took the frost giantess Bestla for a wife and had three sons. Their names were Odin, Vili or Hoenir, and Ve or Lodur. The three brothers slew Ymir, and created the world from his flesh, the mountains of his bones, the sky from his skull, and the ocean from his blood. The rule of the jotuns was over.

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