Sunday, February 10, 2013


I just looked at the stats and noticed someone actually went to this blog! That's incredible. I am uber sorry for forgetting about this blog *ashamed*. Please don't give up on me! I'm posting again! Now, back to the myths.

Unfortunately, the Fomorians were quicker in preparing for war then the Tuatha De thought, and the Tuatha De were unprepared for an attack. Luckily, Dagda arrived to save the day. Dagda was also known as Eochaid Ollathair, or Allfather, and Ruad Rofhessa, or Red One of Perfect Knowledge. He was one of the most important gods, ruling over as many things as life, death, fertility, prosperity, magic, and feasting. Dagda was High King after Nuadha. He wielded a magic club (name unknown) that could slay nine men with a single blow and was so large he had to wheel it along behind him, played the harp Uaithne, and, most importantly, owned the Cauldron of the Dagda, another of the Four Jewels of the Tuatha De Danaan, which could revive any dead man placed in its waters.

Well, it was the day the Fomorians would attack, and Dagda set out on his perilous mission. Walking up to the Fomorian camp, he proposed a cease-fire for one night. The Fomorians agreed, then invited Dagda in. Under the laws of hospitality, Dagda couldn't refuse, and the Fomorians humiliated him by filling him full of porridge until he was about to burst. But his mission was successful, and he soon regained his handsome form. (I think he must have had a few godly Alka-Seltzers before he was battle ready.) Now, It was time for the Second Battle of Magh Tuireadh. (Cue dramatic music.)  

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