Tuesday, May 28, 2013

(Greek/Roman) The Beginning of the World II

I'm going to have to go back and look at this, because I haven't done anything w/ Greek/Roman mythology in quite a while. But...
(Two months later...)
At the beginning of the world, there was only chaos. Finally, however, Gaea, or Earth, was born. From her came Uranus, the Sky, and they fell in love. Soon Gaea became Mother Earth, mother of all living things.
Their first children were the Titans, the first gods. There were six gods and their six sisters. These were
  • Cronus
  • Rhea
  • Crios
  • Japet
  • Tethys
  • Oceanus
  • Coeus
  • Hyperion
  • Themis
  • Thia
  • Phoebe
  • Mnemosyne
They were so glorious that even cold-hearted Uranus was proud of them. However, Gaea's next sons weren't as great. More info on that later. 

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