Friday, April 6, 2012


When we left the Tuatha De, they were in a bad state of affairs. But not all was lost, because Lugh, a prophesied hero, had come to save them!

We have to back up a bit first. The Fomorians enslaved the Tuatha De under the control of Balor Evil Eye, a mighty Fomorian warlord. If he looked at someone with his evil eye, they would die. It had been prophesied that he would be killed by his grandson, who would free the Tuatha De. To prevent this, he locked his daughter, Ethlinn, in a tower. However, Cian, son of Dian Cecht, snuck in and the two had children. Balor was enraged and ordered his three grandchildren to be tossed into the sea. Luckily, Manannan mac Lir, a sea god, rescued one child, and gave him to Tailtiu, queen of the Fir Bolg, to raise. This was Lugh.   

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