Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Lugh Part 2: Lugh enters Tara

Finally, the Tuatha De took back the kingship, and Nuada was once again seated upon the throne of Teamhair de Ri. At this time, a young man approached the hill of Tara. The gatekeeper of Tara asked him who he was, and what skill he possessed, for none could enter without one.
"I am a master of battle," said the man.
"We already have a champion," said the gatekeeper. "The great warrior Ogma."
"I am a master goldsmith," said the man.
"Creidne is our goldsmith," said the man.
This went on for quite a while, with the man naming every trade that there was, and the gatekeeper replying that there already existed a master of that trade in Tara.
Finally, the man said, "Is there a man who possesses all those skills in Tara?"
These are all pics of Lugh
The gatekeeper said no and let in the man.
The man turned out to be none other than Lugh, the prophesied slayer of Balor and the god of light. The Fomorians were mounting for an attack on the Tuatha De, and Lugh's help would be invaluable. He wielded the Spear Luin, one of the Four Treasures of the Tuatha De Danann, and Fragarach, a sword that could cut through anything and could command the winds.

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