Wednesday, February 29, 2012


I forgot to mention in the last post that the Fir Bolgs took the province of Connacht after the First Battle of Magh Tuiredh, leaving the Tuatha De the rest of Ireland.
In case you haven't guessed, this is Bres

The Tuatha De were without a leader when Nuada lost his arm. So, they chose Bres, the son of Eriu, goddess of Ireland. Bres, known as Bres the Beautiful, was an imposing and beautiful man, but was a cruel ruler. He forced the champions of the first battle, Dagda and Ogma, to work at manual labors, and performed many other harsh deeds, Finally, Nuada got his new arm, and took back the kingship. Bres went to Eriu and asked who his father was. It turns out he was the son of the Fomorian king, Elatha. He went to his father and asked for an army to get him on the throne. The Fomorians attacked and completely enslaved the Tuatha De.

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