Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Book of Invasions Part 3

Here we go again. Soon I'll get to the individual gods, but I want to get this stuff out of the way first.

Next came the Nemedians. Here's where it gets good. Nemed and his followers invaded Ireland 30 years after the Partholonians' extinction. Unfortunately, those pesky Fomorians (otherwise callde Fomorii) showed up again. At first, the Nemedians succeeded against the Fomorians, but a plague decimated the population. The Fomorians forced the Nemedians to pay a heavy tribute, basically forcing them into slavery. However, three Nemedian cheiftains rose up against their overlords. They managed to slay a Fomorian king, but ultimately lost. However, thirty Nemedians survived, and fled to other places. One group became the Fir Bolg, and the other became the Tuatha de Danann. These groups would soon return with a vengeance.

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